
Pain is an umbrella term and can have many different causes. Most pain involves a large degree of soft tissue dysfunction. This is why we can most likely help you!

Acute Pain

Sudden onset, usually sharp and significant pain duration less than 6 months

Examples of acute pain include:

  • Broken bones
  • Sports injuries
  • “Sleeping funny” and waking up with a stiff neck
  • Any injury where you know you’ve “done something”

Our therapist will select the best suitable mix of techniques to resolve your problem.
For instance, she may start off with some moderate pressure Swedish Massage progress into Deep Tissue Massage, then treat some trigger points.
This could be followed by the application of heat and a few minutes of soothing head massage for that “feel good factor”!

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Chronic Pain

Long standing, aching, tiring pain duration more than 6 month

Examples of chronic pain include:

  • Headaches
  • Low back pain
  • Ongoing tense muscles
  • Arthritis pain

Our therapist will select the best suitable mix of techniques to resolve your problem.
After establishing what your postural challenges are, the therapist may use myofascial release techniques to stretch the deep layers of the fascia.
She may follow this up with some stretching and finish off with a few minutes of relaxing and soothing Swedish Massage.

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Download and fill in our Pain / Sports Interview Form, bring it with you